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octopus 快速上手





Gcc OPENMPI 编译octopus-8 遇到的问题和解决方案

centos6.5 Gcc Openmpi 编译octopus-7.1



'H'  |0 | 0 | 0


mpirun -np 核数 octopus


运算之后,生成exec restart static



  • 可以在inp中自定义变量,变量名区分大小写,并进行相关数学计算Mathematical expressions
  • 计算参数名不区分大小写,不区分顺序
  • 系统变量也不区分大小写,如Output = dos 等价于Output = DOS
  • 注释#开头
  • 可以用 include 文件名 把其他文件放到inp文件中
  • 输入文件只能是inp,不能改变名字
  • 说明书中的参数解释:
    • DOSComputePDOS ;参数名
    • Section: Output ;分类,没用
    • Type: logical ;类型:float,logical,integer,string,block等, logical类型赋值为0/1
    • Default: false ; 默认参数
  • 不同版本的参数会出现不同,本文主要基于Octopus-8/10.4
  • 逻辑变量赋值为yes/no(或1/0),不是true/T之类的


  • MaximumIter=10 最大自洽步数,用于快速debug代码



'Ag' | species_pseudo | file |  './Ag_ONCV_PBE_fr.upf'
'C' | species_pseudo | file |  './C_ONCV_PBE_fr.upf'
'H' | species_pseudo | file |  './H_ONCV_PBE_fr.upf'
#XML (QSO, UPF, and PSML, PSP8) pseudopotential support is an experimental feature.


  • sg15则读取octopus-10.4/share/octopus/pseudopotentials/目录的赝势,
  • standard的赝势只有有限的几个H, Li, C, N, O, Na, Si, S, Ti, Se, Cd.
    'Ag' | species_pseudo | set | sg15



**   Unknown XC functional for species 'Ag'

#exchange:x   correlation:c


默认根据元素名识别相对原子质量,不用指定也可以. 如果元素名随意设置,会报错Cannot determine the element for species CC




BoxShape 计算网格形状




This variable decides the shape of the simulation box. The default is minimum for finite systems and parallelepiped for periodic systems. Note that some incompatibilities apply:

Spherical or minimum mesh is not allowed for periodic systems. Cylindrical mesh is not allowed for systems that are periodic in more than one dimension. box_image is only allowed in 2D.


  • sphere: The simulation box will be a sphere of radius Radius. (In 2D, this is a circle.), 半径radius = 15.0*angstrom
  • cylinder: The simulation box will be a cylinder with radius Radius and height (in the x-direction) of 2 Xlength.
  • minimum: The simulation box will be constructed by adding spheres created around each atom (or user-defined potential), of radius Radius.
  • parallelepiped: The simulation box will be a parallelepiped whose dimensions are taken from the variable Lsize.
  • box_image: The simulation box will be defined through an image, specified with BoxShapeImage. White (RGB = 255,255,255) means that the point is contained in the simulation box, while any other color means that the point is out. The image will be scaled to fit Lsize, while its resolution will define the default Spacing. The actual box may be slightly larger than Lsize to ensure one grid point = one pixel for default Spacing.
  • hypercube: (experimental) The simulation box will be a hypercube or hyperparallelepiped. This is equivalent to the parallelepiped box but it can work with an arbitrary number of dimensions.
  • user_defined: The shape of the simulation box will be read from the variable BoxShapeUsDef.
BoxShape = sphere
spacing = 0.19*angstrom
radius = 15.0*angstrom


TDTimeStep默认单位是$3.674932539796e-02 \hbar/eV$, $1 \hbar/eV = 0.658211951 fs$

TDTimeStep = 0.002 # 4.83776903362502e-05 fs, *826827 ~ 40fs




MoveIons = yes
'C' | angstrom*   -0.0142124300 | angstrom*   -1.1141926050 | angstrom*    4.7610890850  | no
'H' | angstrom*   -0.0135859800 | angstrom*   -1.1175805350 | angstrom*    3.6428618450  | yes
'H' | angstrom*   -0.9162065400 | angstrom*   -1.6344720150 | angstrom*    5.1074087650  | yes
'H' | angstrom*    0.8873471600 | angstrom*   -1.6333341650 | angstrom*    5.1089549050  | yes
'H' | angstrom*   -0.0152745800 | angstrom*   -0.0720769150 | angstrom*    5.1038265250  | yes


RestartWriteInterval=50 #每隔多少步保存一次文件,用于续算
FromScratch=no #no读入保存文件,进行续算. yes从头算



** Warning:
**   Clean STOP

  27658      55.316000 -20002.140099         1         3.865
Info: Writing output to output_iter/td.0027658


  • 先用其他程序(VASP)优化可以减少很多时间
  • cg_,steep等算法,优化到极小值点时程序会崩溃掉,这时只能换其他算法如fire
    steep,cg_到极小值后换cg_,steep还是极小值,只能换fire 交替优化时GOMaxIter=50就可以, 提高精度继续重新开始
  • fire算法是通过跑MD的方式,也可以设置一个大的GOMaxIter=500,GOFireMass=0.01,苛刻的优化参数GOTolerance = 0.01*eV/angstrom,让程序跑一段时间
  • GOObjective的取值,影响不大


  • 使用steep算法,续算后力的变化也比较有限
  • steep续算到无法续算后的结构,steep,bfgs算法输入次结构,也是直接无法计算
CalculationMode = go
GOMethod = cg_bfgs #先快速steep,最后用cg_bfgs,然后逐渐提高各项精度
GOTolerance = 0.01*eV/angstrom #Default: 0.001 H/b (0.051 eV/A)
'Ag' | angstrom*   -0.0013139800 | angstrom*   -2.7930235850 | angstrom*   -2.7300387650 | no
'Ag' | angstrom*   -0.0013139800 | angstrom*   -2.7930235850 | angstrom*   1.7300387650 | yes


  'C' | 1 | 0 | 0
  'O' |  1 | 0 | 0


  • 每一步的结构
  • 最后一步结构.当设置续算FromScratch = no时,会读入last.xyz进行续算
  • geom/ 日志,力,位移. 每进行一次最小化循环MINIMIZATION ITER,就输出一个geom/go.nnnn.xyz文件
  • 优化结束时的输出


iter   18 : etot -2.19005958E+02 : abs_dens 3.71E-08 : force  4.73E-07 : etime     0.0s
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0

iter   19 : etot -2.19005957E+02 : abs_dens 2.30E-08 : force  4.92E-07 : etime     0.0s
#这里的force 是前后两步force的差别,用来判断scf是否收敛的.同static/convergence
             Info: Writing states. 2022/09/14 at 15:16:35

        Info: Finished writing states. 2022/09/14 at 15:16:35

Info: SCF converged in   19 iterations

+++++++++++++++++++++ MINIMIZATION ITER #:    1 ++++++++++++++++++++++
  Energy    = -219.0059565865 eV
  Max force =    0.0486830383 eV/A
  Max dr    =    0.0013009175 A

Writing final coordinates to
Info: Finished writing information to 'restart/gs'.

             Calculation ended on 2022/09/14 at 15:16:35

                          Walltime:  09.651s

Octopus emitted 5 warnings.


报错iteration is not making progress towards solution

+++++++++++++++++++++ MINIMIZATION ITER #:    7 ++++++++++++++++++++++
  Energy    = -219.0067014605 eV
  Max force =    0.0153721653 eV/A
  Max dr    =    0.0000000000 A

**************************** FATAL ERROR *****************************
*** Fatal Error (description follows)
* From node =    0
* Error occurred during the GSL minimization procedure:
* iteration is not making progress towards solution

Abort(999) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 999) - process 0


+++++++++++++++++++++ MINIMIZATION ITER #:    7 ++++++++++++++++++++++
  Energy    = -219.0066996657 eV
  Max force =    0.0153715180 eV/A
  Max dr    =    0.0000000000 A

Abort(336193796) on node 7 (rank 7 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Send_init: Invalid tag, error stack:
PMPI_Send_init(152): MPI_Send_init(buf=0x1c55854, count=1, MPI_INTEGER, dest=0, tag=1620299, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request=0x7fffb210d1f8) failed
PMPI_Send_init(103): Invalid tag, value is 1620299

看起来就是,两个构型之间的force一样,原子相对位移为0,Max dr = 0.0000000000 A优化不动了,官方给的解决方案就是用go.xxxx.xyz重算

This means that, although the minimization algorithm managed to get very close (~ 0.014 eV/Å), it was unable to improve the solutions up to the desired accuracy. Unfortunately there are not many things that can be done in this case. The most simple one is just to restart the calculation starting from the last geometry (use the last file) and see if the code is able to improve further the geometry.



  • 除了构型的输入参数input.inp
  • 初始构型
function xyz2oct()

if [ -d geom ] #存在目录,说明算过了,开始续算
  if [ ! -f $INPUTFILE  ]; then echo "Error: No xyz in geom";exit;fi
  if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt 3 ]; then echo $INPUTFILE error;exit;fi
  if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt $(($(head -1 $INPUTFILE)+2)) ] ; then echo $INPUTFILE error;exit;fi
  INPUTFILE=$(ls geom/go*.xyz | sort | tail -1)
  if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt 3 ]; then echo $INPUTFILE error;INPUTFILE=$(ls geom/go*.xyz | sort | tail -2 | head -1);fi
  if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt 3 ]; then echo $INPUTFILE error;INPUTFILE=$(ls geom/go*.xyz | sort | tail -2 | head -1);fi
else #第一次开始计算,使用structure作为结构
if [ -f  $INPUTFILE ]
echo "-------------------------------"
echo "build input from "$INPUTFILE
echo "-------------------------------"
if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt 3 ]; then echo $INPUTFILE error;exit;fi
if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt $(($(head -1 $INPUTFILE)+2)) ] ; then echo $INPUTFILE error;exit;fi
cp input.inp $OUTPUTFILE
#x=$(tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk 'BEGIN {max = -9999; min=9999} {if ($2+0 > max) max=$2; if ($2+0 < min) min=$2 } END {printf "%.10f" , 0.5*(max+min) }')
#y=$(tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk 'BEGIN {max = -9999; min=9999} {if ($3+0 > max) max=$3; if ($3+0 < min) min=$3 } END {printf "%.10f" , 0.5*(max+min) }')
#z=$(tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk 'BEGIN {max = -9999; min=9999} {if ($4+0 > max) max=$4; if ($4+0 < min) min=$4 } END {printf "%.10f" , 0.5*(max+min) }')
echo "%Coordinates" >> $OUTPUTFILE
tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk '{printf "'\''%s'\'' | angstrom* %15.10f | angstrom* %15.10f | angstrom* %15.10f \n",$1,$2-'$x',$3-'$y',$4-'$z'}'  >> $OUTPUTFILE
#tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk '{printf "'\''%s'\'' |  %15.10f |  %15.10f |  %15.10f \n",$1,$2-'$x',$3-'$y',$4-'$z'}'  >> $OUTPUTFILE
echo "%" >> $OUTPUTFILE
echo "Can't find "$INPUTFILE "breakdown"

rm -rf stop1
mpirun octopus | tee result

cp result result.bak
echo geom.log > geom.log 
while  (($(grep '' result | wc -l ) < 1)) || [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == fire ] ;
echo CNQ $(date) >> result
echo "---------------" >> geom.log
for i in $(ls geom); do echo $i >> geom.log; cat geom/$i >> geom.log ; done

if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == fire ];     then GOMethod=cg_bfgs ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == steep ];    then GOMethod=fire ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_bfgs ];  then GOMethod=fire ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_bfgs2 ]; then GOMethod=fire ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_pr ];    then GOMethod=fire ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_fr ];    then GOMethod=fire ; fi

echo "Change GOMethod = $GOMethod"; sed -i "s/GOMethod/GOMethod = $GOMethod #/g" inp
mpirun  octopus > result #报错和其他日志信息在slurm的输出
#可以通过修改参数,然后touch stop换算法、参数续算
cat >>
cat result >> result.bak

if [ -f stop1 ]; then exit;fi

echo "Relax done"

如果最后还没有优化出来,则把geom.log中最后一步的结构保存到geom/go.0001.xyz再输入继续跑,spacing等其他计算参数也决定了能收敛的最高精度 利用这种方式,优化的CH4键长和vasp误差0.001ang,还可以

if [ -f result ]; then mv result result.bak;fi
rm -rf stop1 stop

function xyz2oct()

if [ -f result ] #存在result文件,说明算过了,开始续算
  if [ ! -f $INPUTFILE  ]; then echo "Error: No xyz in geom";return;fi
  if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt 3 ]; then echo $INPUTFILE error;return;fi
  if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt $(($(head -1 $INPUTFILE)+2)) ] ; then echo $INPUTFILE error;return;fi
  INPUTFILE=$(ls geom/go*.xyz | sort | tail -1)
  if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt 3 ]; then echo $INPUTFILE error;INPUTFILE=$(ls geom/go*.xyz | sort | tail -2 | head -1);fi
  if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt 3 ]; then echo $INPUTFILE error;INPUTFILE=$(ls geom/go*.xyz | sort | tail -2 | head -1);fi
else #第一次开始计算,使用structure作为结构
if [ -f  $INPUTFILE ]
echo "-------------------------------"
echo "build input from "$INPUTFILE
echo "-------------------------------"
if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt 3 ]; then echo $INPUTFILE error;exit;fi
if [ $(wc -l $INPUTFILE | awk '{ print $1 }') -lt $(($(head -1 $INPUTFILE)+2)) ] ; then echo $INPUTFILE error;exit;fi
cp input.inp $OUTPUTFILE
#x=$(tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk 'BEGIN {max = -9999; min=9999} {if ($2+0 > max) max=$2; if ($2+0 < min) min=$2 } END {printf "%.10f" , 0.5*(max+min) }')
#y=$(tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk 'BEGIN {max = -9999; min=9999} {if ($3+0 > max) max=$3; if ($3+0 < min) min=$3 } END {printf "%.10f" , 0.5*(max+min) }')
#z=$(tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk 'BEGIN {max = -9999; min=9999} {if ($4+0 > max) max=$4; if ($4+0 < min) min=$4 } END {printf "%.10f" , 0.5*(max+min) }')
echo "%Coordinates" >> $OUTPUTFILE
tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk '{printf "'\''%s'\'' | angstrom* %15.10f | angstrom* %15.10f | angstrom* %15.10f \n",$1,$2-'$x',$3-'$y',$4-'$z'}'  >> $OUTPUTFILE
#tail -n +$startline $INPUTFILE | awk '{printf "'\''%s'\'' |  %15.10f |  %15.10f |  %15.10f \n",$1,$2-'$x',$3-'$y',$4-'$z'}'  >> $OUTPUTFILE
echo "%" >> $OUTPUTFILE
echo "Can't find "$INPUTFILE "breakdown"

mpirun octopus | tee result

cp result result.bak
echo geom.log > geom.log 
while  (($(grep '' result | wc -l ) < 1)) || [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == fire ] ;
echo CNQ $(date) >> result
echo "---------------" >> geom.log
for i in $(ls geom); do echo $i >> geom.log; cat geom/$i >> geom.log ; done

if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == fire ];     then GOMethod=steep ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == steep ];    then GOMethod=cg_fr ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_fr ];  then GOMethod=cg_bfgs ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_bfgs ]; then GOMethod=cg_bfgs2 ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_bfgs2 ];    then GOMethod=cg_pr ; fi
#if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_fr ];    then GOMethod=fire ; fi
if [ $(grep 'GOMethod' inp | awk '{ print $3 }') == cg_fr ];    then GOMethod=steep ; fi

echo "Change GOMethod = $GOMethod"; sed -i "s/GOMethod/GOMethod = $GOMethod #/g" inp
mpirun  octopus > result #报错和其他日志信息在slurm的输出
#可以通过修改参数,然后touch stop换算法、参数续算
cat >>
cat result >> result.bak
if [ -f stop1 ]; then exit;fi

echo "Relax done"



CalculationMode = gs
UnitsOutput = ev_angstrom
BoxShape = sphere
spacing = 0.19*angstrom
radius = 10*angstrom
Output =dos+ density
OutputFormat = xcrysden
'H' | angstrom*    0.0000000000 | angstrom*    0.0000000000 | angstrom*    0.0000000000



Output =  density
Output = Output + dos



Output = density
OutputFormat = xcrysden

dos & pdos

Output = Output + dos


(python37) cndaqiang@mommint:~/work/octopus/H$ ls static/
convergence   dos-0003.dat  dos-0007.dat  dos-0011.dat  dos-0015.dat  dos-0019.dat  info
density.xsf   dos-0004.dat  dos-0008.dat  dos-0012.dat  dos-0016.dat  dos-0020.dat  pdos-at001-H1s.dat
dos-0001.dat  dos-0005.dat  dos-0009.dat  dos-0013.dat  dos-0017.dat  dos-0021.dat  total-dos.dat
dos-0002.dat  dos-0006.dat  dos-0010.dat  dos-0014.dat  dos-0018.dat  forces        total-dos-efermi.dat



  • wfs_fourier: (Experimental) Outputs wavefunctions in Fourier space. This is only implemented for the ETSF file format output. The file will be called
  • wfs: Outputs wavefunctions. Which wavefunctions are to be printed is specified by the variable OutputWfsNumber – see below. The output file is called wf-, or lr_wf- in linear response.
  • wfs_sqmod: Outputs modulus squared of the wavefunctions. The output file is called sqm-wf-. For linear response, the filename is sqm_lr_wf-.


Output = Output + wfs #带符号
Output = Output + wfs_sqmod
OutputWfsNumber="1-5" #默认全部
OutputFormat = xcrysden
OutputInterval=5 #输出间隔,含时不要都输出,非常占内存


(python37) cndaqiang@mommint:~/work/octopus/H2O$ ls static/
convergence      sqm-wf-k001-st0001.xsf  sqm-wf-k002-st0001.xsf  wf-k001-st0001.xsf  wf-k002-st0001.xsf
density-sp1.xsf  sqm-wf-k001-st0002.xsf  sqm-wf-k002-st0002.xsf  wf-k001-st0002.xsf  wf-k002-st0002.xsf
density-sp2.xsf  sqm-wf-k001-st0003.xsf  sqm-wf-k002-st0003.xsf  wf-k001-st0003.xsf  wf-k002-st0003.xsf
forces           sqm-wf-k001-st0004.xsf  sqm-wf-k002-st0004.xsf  wf-k001-st0004.xsf  wf-k002-st0004.xsf
info             sqm-wf-k001-st0005.xsf  sqm-wf-k002-st0005.xsf  wf-k001-st0005.xsf  wf-k002-st0005.xsf


(python37) cndaqiang@mommint:~/work/octopus/H2O$ !ls
ls static/
convergence  info               sqm-wf-st0003.xsf  wf-st0001.xsf  wf-st0004.xsf
density.xsf  sqm-wf-st0001.xsf  sqm-wf-st0004.xsf  wf-st0002.xsf  wf-st0005.xsf
forces       sqm-wf-st0002.xsf  sqm-wf-st0005.xsf  wf-st0003.xsf


(python37) cndaqiang@mommint:~/work/octopus/H2O$ ls output_iter/td.0000025
density.xsf         wf-st0002.real.xsf  wf-st0004.real.xsf  wf-st0006.real.xsf  wf-st0008.real.xsf
wf-st0001.imag.xsf  wf-st0003.imag.xsf  wf-st0005.imag.xsf  wf-st0007.imag.xsf  wf-st0009.imag.xsf
wf-st0001.real.xsf  wf-st0003.real.xsf  wf-st0005.real.xsf  wf-st0007.real.xsf  wf-st0009.real.xsf
wf-st0002.imag.xsf  wf-st0004.imag.xsf  wf-st0006.imag.xsf  wf-st0008.imag.xsf


restart/gs/states总轨道数nst,k点数nik(spin=2时k点加倍),波函数分量dim(spin=4时,二分量波函数dim=2) 对于3个电子的体系,空轨道是20,则

  • SpinComponents=spin_polarized:每个自旋nst=占据(1.5)+未占据(20)=22,两种自选态在两套k点上计算,nik=2
    (python37) cndaqiang@mommint:~/work/octopus/H$ cat restart/gs/states
    nst=                        22
    dim=                         1
    nik=                         2
  • SpinComponents=spinors:每种自旋态只占据一个电子,nst=占据(3)+未占据(20)=23,一套k点上计算,nik=1,波函数二分量dim=2
    (python37) cndaqiang@mommint:~/work/octopus/H$ cat restart/gs/states
    nst=                        23
    dim=                         2
    nik=                         1


  • static/convergence scf的收敛信息
  • static/info 网格,本征值,能量,Dipole,收敛性,受力等诸多信息


TDOutput默认情况是输出coordinates energy laser multipoles temperature文件在td.general目录的,如果设置了具体输出TDOutput =td_occup内容,那么其他文件不会输出了,我们要手动添加输出

TDOutput=multipoles+laser+energy #+td_occup
  • multipoles: Outputs the (electric) multipole moments of the density to the file td.general/multipoles. This is required to, e.g., calculate optical absorption spectra of finite systems. The maximum value of l can be set with the variable TDMultipoleLmax.
  • angular: Outputs the orbital angular momentum of the system to td.general/angular, which can be used to calculate circular dichroism.
  • gauge_field: If set, outputs the vector gauge field corresponding to a spatially uniform (but time-dependent) external electrical potential. This is only useful in a time-dependent periodic run. On by default if GaugeVectorField is set.
  • temperature: If set, the ionic temperature at each step is printed. On by default if MoveIons = yes.
  • ftchd: Write Fourier transform of the electron density to the file ftchd.X, where X depends on the kick (e.g. with sin-shaped perturbation X=sin). This is needed for calculating the dynamic structure factor. In the case that the kick mode is qbessel, the written quantity is integral over density, multiplied by spherical Bessel function times real spherical harmonic. On by default if TDMomentumTransfer is set.
  • dipole_velocity: When set, outputs the dipole velocity, calculated from the Ehrenfest theorem, in the file td.general/velocity. This file can then be processed by the utility oct-harmonic-spectrum in order to obtain the harmonic spectrum.
  • eigenvalues: Write the KS eigenvalues.
  • ionization_channels: Write the multiple-ionization channels using the KS orbital densities as proposed in C. Ullrich, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 501, 315 (2000).
  • total_current: Output the total current (average of the current density over the cell).
  • partial_charges: Bader and Hirshfeld partial charges. The output file is called ‘td.general/partial_charges’.
  • td_kpoint_occup: Project propagated Kohn-Sham states to the states at t=0 given in the directory restart_proj (see %RestartOptions). This is an alternative to the option td_occup, with a formating more suitable for k-points and works only in k- and/or state parallelization
  • td_floquet: Compute non-interacting Floquet bandstructure according to further options: TDFloquetFrequency, TDFloquetSample, TDFloquetDimension. This is done only once per td-run at t=0. works only in k- and/or state parallelization
  • spin: (Experimental) Outputs the expectation value of the spin, which can be used to calculate magnetic circular dichroism.
  • n_excited_el: Output the number of excited electrons, based on the projections of the time evolved wave-functions on the ground-state wave-functions. The output interval of this quantity is controled by the variable TDOutputComputeInterval
  • coordinates_sep: Writes geometries in a separate file.
  • velocities_sep: Writes velocities in a separate file.
  • forces_sep: Writes forces in a separate file.
  • total_heat_current: Output the total heat current (average of the heat current density over the cell).
  • total_magnetization: Writes the total magnetization, where the total magnetization is calculated at the momentum defined by TDMomentumTransfer. This is used to extract the magnon frequency in case of a magnon kick.
  • populations: (?好像是多体波函数激发态的投影)(Experimental) Outputs the projection of the time-dependent Kohn-Sham Slater determinant onto the ground state (or approximations to the excited states) to the file td.general/populations. Note that the calculation of populations is expensive in memory and computer time, so it should only be used if it is really needed. See TDExcitedStatesToProject.
  • geometry: If set (and if the atoms are allowed to move), outputs the coordinates, velocities, and forces of the atoms to the the file td.general/coordinates. On by default if MoveIons = yes.
  • dipole_acceleration: When set, outputs the acceleration of the electronic dipole, calculated from the Ehrenfest theorem, in the file td.general/acceleration. This file can then be processed by the utility oct-harmonic-spectrum in order to obtain the harmonic spectrum.
  • laser: If set, outputs the laser field to the file td.general/laser. On by default if TDExternalFields is set.
  • energy: If set, octopus outputs the different components of the energy to the file td.general/energy. Will be zero except for every TDEnergyUpdateIter iterations.
  • td_occup: (向0时刻的ks投影)(Experimental) If set, outputs the projections of the time-dependent Kohn-Sham wavefunctions onto the static (zero-time) wavefunctions to the file td.general/projections.XXX. Only use this option if you really need it, as it might be computationally expensive. See TDProjStateStart. The output interval of this quantity is controled by the variable TDOutputComputeInterval In case of states parallelization, all the ground-state states are stored by each task.还需要设置ExperimentalFeatures=yes,间隔由TDOutputComputeInterval=50决定
  • local_mag_moments: If set, outputs the local magnetic moments, integrated in sphere centered around each atom. The radius of the sphere can be set with LocalMagneticMomentsSphereRadius.





CalculationMode = gs #计算方式 gs:基态(默认) td:时间依赖 unocc:非自洽计算  
UnitsOutput =  eV_Angstrom  #默认atomic原子单位制(能量是Hartree)

Nitrogen_mass=14.0 #可以在inp文件中定义变量,支持+-*/sqrt()等多种数学运算

%Species  #元素描述block
 'N' | species_pseudo | set | standard | lmax | 1 | lloc | 0 | mass | Nitrogen_mass
#原素名 | 性质1 | 值 | 性质2 | 值
#赝势 species_pseudo | set默认就是用系统的 | standard
#     species_pseudo | file | `赝势文件名,支持 .psf(SIESTA),.upf,.fhi,.cpi,.xml,.hgh`  
# 更多参考
#lmax: The maximum angular-momentum channel that will be used for the pseudopotential.
#lloc: The angular-momentum channel of the pseudopotential to be considered local.

XYZCoordinates = ''
ExtraStates = 1


BoxShape = sphere

Radius = 5.0*angstrom
#Spacing = 0.18*angstrom  #时空间网格大小

#export OCT_PARSE_ENV=1 #开启从环境读入功能
#export OCT_Spacing=0.18*angstrom  #以OCT_开头设置参数

Output = wfs + density + elf + potential
#wfs wavefunction ; elf : the electron localization function  ;potential : the Kohn-Sham potential
#dos : 态密度

OutputFormat = cube + xcrysden + dx + axis_x + plane_z
#输出文件格式,用于给不同的软件(vislt,gunplot , xcrysden,UCSF(density.dx))打开


#支持 include 文件


CalculationMode = gs

PeriodicDimensions = 3
Spacing = 0.5 

0.0 | 0.5 | 0.5
0.5 | 0.0 | 0.5
0.5 | 0.5 | 0.0

 a | a | a

 "Si" | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 
 "Si" | 1/4 | 1/4 | 1/4 


  nk |  nk |  nk  #第一行:倒空间每个方向k点数量,na | nb | nc 总数na*nb*nc Monk-Pack网格
 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5  #之后的为K点的移位
 0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0
 0.0 | 0.5 | 0.0
 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.5

KPointsUseSymmetries = yes

ExtraStates = 1
Output = dos

td 计算示例

CalculationMode = td #gs
UnitsOutput = eV_Angstrom

Radius = 3.5*angstrom
Spacing = 0.18*angstrom

CH = 1.097*angstrom
  "C" |           0 |          0 |           0
  "H" |  CH/sqrt(3) | CH/sqrt(3) |  CH/sqrt(3)
  "H" | -CH/sqrt(3) |-CH/sqrt(3) |  CH/sqrt(3)
  "H" |  CH/sqrt(3) |-CH/sqrt(3) | -CH/sqrt(3)
  "H" | -CH/sqrt(3) | CH/sqrt(3) | -CH/sqrt(3)

Tf = 1/eV
dt = 0.002/eV

TDPropagator = aetrs
TDMaxSteps = Tf/dt  #总步数
TDTimeStep = dt     #步长

FromScratch = yes
amplitude = 1*eV/angstrom
omega = 18.0*eV
tau0 = 0.5/eV
t0 = tau0

  electric_field | 1 | 0 | 0 | omega | "envelope_cos"
#  电场/磁场/矢量势/标量势/ f(x,y,z) | nx | ny | nz 场的极化方向(nx,ny,nz) | omega | g(t) 字符型,定义在%TDFunctions中 |[ 相位phase(t) ]
# 外场 = f(x,y,z)*cos(w*t+phase(t))*g(t)
# f(x,y,z) : electric field, magnetic field, vector_potential
# g(t)与phase(t) 都是字符串,字符串内容随意,定义式在%TDFunctions中
#phase(t) 不设置时默认为0
  "envelope_cos" | tdf_cosinoidal | amplitude | tau0 | t0
# %TDExternalFields中g(t),phase(t) | 函数名:tdf_cw,tdf_gaussian,tdf_cosinoidal,...来自文件,自定义 | 相关参数


TDOutput = laser + multipoles
#laser: If set, outputs the laser field to the file td.general/laser. On by default if TDExternalFields is set.
#multipoles: Outputs the (electric) multipole moments of the density to the file td.general/multipoles. This is required to, e.g., calculate optical absorption spectra of finite systems. The maximum value of l can be set with the variable TDMultipoleLmax.




Input: [PseudopotentialSet = standard]
Reading Coordinates from Coordinates block

**************************** FATAL ERROR *****************************
*** Fatal Error (description follows)
* From node =    0
* Error in block Coordinates line # 1


  • 并行原因: 改成2,4,5,10个核都没有问题,6个核就报错
  • 核数不能超过总轨道数(occ+ExtraStates)
      Block       3 contains       1 states:       4 -       4
Info: Ground-state restart information will be read from 'restart/gs'.

           Info: Reading states: gs. 2021/03/23 at 22:18:22

ETA: .
Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.

Backtrace for this error:

Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.

Backtrace for this error:

Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.


************************** Parallelization ***************************
Info: Octopus will run in *parallel*

      Number of processes           :      10
      Number of threads per process :       1

Info: Number of nodes in ParStates   group:     2 (       4)
Info: Number of nodes in ParDomains  group:     5 (  131995)
Info: Octopus will waste at least  0.00% of computer time.

************************** Parallelization ***************************
Info: Octopus will run in *parallel*

      Number of processes           :       4
      Number of threads per process :       1

Info: Number of nodes in ParStates   group:     4 (       4)
Info: Octopus will waste at least  0.00% of computer time.

************************** Parallelization ***************************
Info: Octopus will run in *parallel*

      Number of processes           :       5
      Number of threads per process :       1

Info: Number of nodes in ParDomains  group:     5 (  131995)
Info: Octopus will waste at least  0.00% of computer time.

************************** Parallelization ***************************
Info: Octopus will run in *parallel*

      Number of processes           :       6
      Number of threads per process :       1

Info: Number of nodes in ParStates   group:     3 (       4)
Info: Number of nodes in ParDomains  group:     2 (  131995)

** Warning:
**   Info: Octopus will waste at least 33.33% of computer time.
**   Usually a number of processors which is a multiple of small primes is best.



**************************** FATAL ERROR *****************************
*** Fatal Error (description follows)
* From node =    0
* The radius of an orbital set is bigger than the radius of the simulatio box.
* Increase the value of Radius or decrease the value of OrbitalsThreshold_LDAU.
* The value of the radius is  5.90000 Bohr.
* An orbital set has points outside of the simulatio box.
* Increase the value of Radius or decrease the value of OrbitalsThreshold_LDAU.
* The value of the radius is 11.00000 Bohr.

这里的The value of the radius is 5.90000 Bohr.radius是轨道的半径,不是模拟体系的半径, 增加模拟尺寸,如模拟半径radius = 3.2*angstrom即可,下面可以证明设置AO开头的Atomic Orbitals参数无效.


! ---------------------------------------------------------
!> This routine returns the atomic orbital basis -- provided
!! by the pseudopotential structure in geo.
! ---------------------------------------------------------
subroutine X(get_atomic_orbital) (geo, mesh, sm, iatom, ii, ll, jj, os, orbind, radius, d_dim)
  if(sm%np == -1) then

    if(mesh%sb%box_shape == MINIMUM .and. radius > mesh%sb%rsize) then
      message(1) = "The radius of an orbital set is bigger than the radius of the simulatio box."
      message(2) = "Increase the value of Radius or decrease the value of OrbitalsThreshold_LDAU."
      write(message(3),'(a,f8.5,a,i5,a)') 'The value of the radius is ', radius, ' Bohr.'
      call messages_fatal(3)
    end if

    if(mesh%sb%box_shape == SPHERE .or. mesh%sb%box_shape == CYLINDER) then
      if(radius > mesh%sb%rsize) then
       message(1) = "The radius of an orbital set is bigger than the radius of the simulatio box."
       message(2) = "Increase the value of Radius or decrease the value of OrbitalsThreshold_LDAU."
       write(message(3),'(a,f8.5,a,i5,a)') 'The value of the radius is ', radius, ' Bohr.'
       call messages_fatal(3)
      end if
      if(mesh%sb%box_shape == CYLINDER .and. radius > mesh%sb%xsize) then
       message(1) = "The radius of an orbital set is bigger than the length of the cylinder box."
       message(2) = "Increase the value of XLength or decrease the value of OrbitalsThreshold_LDAU."
       write(message(3),'(a,f8.5,a,i5,a)') 'The value of the radius is ', radius, ' Bohr.'
       call messages_fatal(3)
      end if
    end if

    if(mesh%sb%box_shape == SPHERE ) then
      if(sqrt(sum(geo%atom(iatom)%x(1:mesh%sb%dim)**2)) + radius > mesh%sb%rsize) then
       message(1) = "An orbital set has points outside of the simulatio box."
       message(2) = "Increase the value of Radius or decrease the value of OrbitalsThreshold_LDAU."
       write(message(3),'(a,f8.5,a,i5,a)') 'The value of the radius is ', radius, ' Bohr.'
       call messages_fatal(3)
      end if
    end if

    if(mesh%sb%box_shape == CYLINDER ) then
      if(sqrt(sum(geo%atom(iatom)%x(2:mesh%sb%dim)**2)) + radius > mesh%sb%rsize) then
       message(1) = "An orbital set has points outside of the simulatio box."
       message(2) = "Increase the value of Radius or decrease the value of OrbitalsThreshold_LDAU."
       write(message(3),'(a,f8.5,a,i5,a)') 'The value of the radius is ', radius, ' Bohr.'
       call messages_fatal(3)
      end if
      if(abs(geo%atom(iatom)%x(1)) + radius > mesh%sb%xsize) then
       message(1) = "An orbital set has points outside of the simulatio box."
       message(2) = "Increase the value of Xlength or decrease the value of OrbitalsThreshold_LDAU."
       write(message(3),'(a,f8.5,a,i5,a)') 'The value of the radius is ', radius, ' Bohr.'
       call messages_fatal(3)
      end if
    end if


  subroutine X(orbitalset_utils_getorbitals)(os, geo, mesh)
      ! We obtain the orbital
      call X(get_atomic_orbital)(geo, mesh, os%sphere, os%iatom, os%ii, os%ll, os%jj, &
                                              os, iorb, os%radius, os%ndim)


              os%radius = atomic_orbital_get_radius(geo, mesh, ia, iorb, 1, &
                                OPTION__AOTRUNCATION__AO_FULL, CNST(0.01))


  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
  FLOAT function atomic_orbital_get_radius(geo, mesh, ia, iorb, ispin, truncation, threshold) result(radius)
    type(geometry_t), target, intent(in)   :: geo
    type(mesh_t),             intent(in)   :: mesh
    integer,                  intent(in)   :: ia, iorb, ispin
    integer(8),               intent(in)   :: truncation
    FLOAT,                    intent(in)   :: threshold

    type(species_t), pointer :: spec
    integer :: ii, ll, mm


    spec => geo%atom(ia)%species
    call species_iwf_ilm(spec, iorb, ispin, ii, ll, mm)

    if(truncation == OPTION__AOTRUNCATION__AO_FULL) then
      radius = species_get_iwf_radius(spec, ii, ispin, threshold)
      radius = species_get_iwf_radius(spec, ii, ispin)

      if(truncation == OPTION__AOTRUNCATION__AO_BOX) then
        ! if the orbital is larger than the size of the box, we restrict it to this size,
        ! otherwise the orbital will overlap more than one time with the simulation box.
        ! This would induces phase problem if the complete mesh is used instead of the sphere
        radius = min(radius, minval(mesh%sb%lsize(1:mesh%sb%dim)-mesh%spacing(1:mesh%sb%dim)*CNST(1.01)))
        !If asked, we truncate the orbital to the radius on the projector spheres
        !of the NL part of the pseudopotential.
        !This is a way to garanty no overlap between orbitals of different atoms.
        if(species_is_ps(spec)) &
          radius = min(radius,species_get_ps_radius(spec))
        end if

      end if
      ! make sure that if the spacing is too large, the orbitals fit in a few points at least
      radius = max(radius, CNST(2.0)*maxval(mesh%spacing(1:mesh%sb%dim)))

  end function atomic_orbital_get_radius


ao_full: The full size of the orbitals used. The radius is controled by variable AOThreshold.




Input: [PseudopotentialSet = standard]
Reading Coordinates from Coordinates block
Abort(269076484) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Recv_init: Invalid tag, error stack:
PMPI_Recv_init(147): MPI_Recv_init(buf=0x7c0dd80, count=1, MPI_INTEGER, src=1, tag=1620299, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request=0x7c0dd40) failed
PMPI_Recv_init(99).: Invalid tag, value is 1620299


************************** Calculation Mode **************************
Input: [CalculationMode = gs]

Input: [PseudopotentialSet = standard]
Reading Coordinates from Coordinates block

**************************** FATAL ERROR *****************************
*** Fatal Error (description follows)
* From node =    0
* Species Ag not found in default pseudopotential set.
* ( /home/apps/octopus10.4/share/octopus/pseudopotentials/PSF )

Abort(999) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 999) - process 0


            Calculation started on 2021/12/16 at 10:46:32

************************** Calculation Mode **************************
Input: [CalculationMode = gs]

Input: [PseudopotentialSet = standard]
Reading Coordinates from Coordinates block

****************************** Species *******************************
  Species 'Ag'
    type             : pseudopotential
    file             : '/home/apps/octopus10.4/share/octopus/pseudopotentials/PSF/Ag.psf'
    file format      : PSF
    valence charge   : 11.0
    atomic number    :  47
    form on file     : semilocal
    orbital origin   : calculated
    lmax             : 3
    llocal           : 0
    projectors per l : 1

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